Throughout his long career, Denny Clairmont constantly lent a hand to the underdog.

Our fellowship aims to continue his work at the ground level, one cinematographer at a time.

This comprehensive accelerator program identifies and assists a young cinematographer in gaining the access and support necessary to advance their career.

The issue


In the U.S. film industry the playing field is uneven. Many young people deserving a platform to tell their stories do not have the resources and connections necessary to start a career as a professional cinematographer.

Representation is lacking at the top levels of our institutions related to the cinema industry. For the near future, we have to ensure the demographics of the professionals involved in content creation better mirrors the population demographics of content consumers.

Our solution


Open up the industry for a young Cinematographer based in the United States who is facing barriers due to bias, with a comprehensive 1 year accelerator program that includes on-set experience, relationship building with industry events and mentors, access to top cinema equipment, and assistance completing a short film that utilizes training received throughout the fellowship.

What Fellows Get

  • Professional cinematography classes, master classes, workshops, technical help, industry mentorship, and It starts with the story of Denny and his company, their achievements and accolades, and the benefits they provided to the industry, .

  • Fellows are guaranteed on-set experience observing a cinematographer, who will show them the ropes in regards to lighting, crew, and artistry.

  • Invites to year-round events (SOC, ASC, ICG, manufacturers, media partners, trade shows, and others), Assigned Mentors (ASC, ICG and other high-value cinematographres), Personalized visits to top camera manufacturer facilities with tehnical help and questions, and Connections with top guilds unions and cinematography organizations.

  • Assistance with the production of a short film during fellowship, intended to be completed the 2nd half of the fellowship, after receiving training and mentoring.


    • Production budget assistance grant for filming short film during fellowship

    • 1 week rental package donation - camera, lens, accessories package from partner rental house

    • Additional lighting, dolly, other equipment donations

    • Direct assistance from board members & mentors during pre-production, production and post


“When I was just breaking into network episodic, the ‘big’ rental house in Vancouver didn’t have much time for me, or any of the best gear. From the get-go, Denny treated me like a somebody. So, from 1993 until he retired, I only used his gear if I had a choice. He was a lovely, gracious man. I miss him.”

— Robert McLachlan, ASC, CSC

Who was Denny Clairmont?

The son of a Silent Era cinematographer and Swedish immigrant, an AMPAS John Bonner Award and two-time TV Academy EMMY winner and industry legend for his contributions to optics technology and film equipment technology and access for generations of cinematographers, Denny is perhaps best remembered by his peers for the collaborative and personal relationships he had with them.

Let’s work together to make the film industry a more inclusive space.

This is a year round project that has many ways to get involved and support our fellows. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our governments to change, we need you on our team.


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